Contact the ADRC Wolf River Region
Contact the ADRC Wolf River Region


Your Free Community Connection to Essential Supports & Services

Toll-free: 1-855-492-ADRC (2372)

Serving Shawano, Oconto and Menominee Counties and the Stockbridge-Munsee Community

Dementia Care Specialist / Support

Resources for Individuals & Their Caregivers

At the ADRC of the Wolf River Region, we provide information and resources to people living with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease as well as their caregivers. Our goal is to listen to your needs and match them with the most appropriate support services. Information and guidance includes:


  • Memory Screening
  • Information and addressing concerns related to memory impairments
  • Options for respite care, support groups, in-home care and assistive equipment/technology
  • Information on long-term care options to assist with future planning
  • Educational classes and seminars on dementia
  • Provide training for employees of businesses to create a dementia friendly community
  • Dementia and Alzheimer’s books, videos, and other resources that provide a better understanding of diseases that affect the brain

Dementia Resource Guide (in PDF format)

Click here to view the Dementia Resource Guide.


The Alzheimer’s Association Greater Wisconsin Chapter is located in Green Bay. They offer a 24/7 helpline that anyone can call into for services and support for you and your family. This toll-free phone number is 1-800-272-3900.


The ADRC offers free classes throughout the year about topics related to Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Click here to be directed to our events page to see when the next classes will be held.


State Resources

Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Dementia Research Center



Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Institute



Wisconsin Parkinson’s Association



National Resources




Alzheimer’s Association



American Parkinson’s Disease Association



Dementia Friendly America



Dementia Sherpa


[email protected]


Family Caregiver Alliance



Health Line



Lewy Body Dementia Association



Lewy Body Society

[email protected]


National Institute on Health



Alzheimer’s Education Series

The ADRC offers many free, educational classes regarding topics pertaining to Alzheimer’s disease, caregiver resources, communication support, and more. Click the links below to see the list of upcoming classes in your area:


Memory Cafes

Memory cafes provide a fun, comfortable environment where people with early-stage memory loss, along with their companion or caregiver, can relax, engage, and enjoy the company of others who are on the same journey.


Memory Cafe – (3rd Tuesday of each month) Oconto County

The Memory Cafe meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm and the meeting locations rotate each month. The Memory Cafe provides an innovative form of social engagement for people living with dementia, cognitive decline or other memory loss. This event is intended to be enjoyed by those with memory loss as well as their caregivers, family and friends. Contact Ericka for more information and to learn where the meeting location is for the month is by calling 715-526-4712.


Memory Cafe – (2nd Tuesday of each month) Shawano County

The Memory Cafe meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm and the meeting locations rotate each month. The Memory Cafe provides an innovative form of social engagement for people living with dementia, cognitive decline or other memory loss. This event is intended to be enjoyed by those with memory loss as well as their caregivers, family and friends. Foror more information and to find out where the meeting location is for the month, call Ericka at 715-526-4712.


Memory Cafe – (2nd Wednesday of each month) Menominee County

The Memory Cafe meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm and the meeting locations rotate each month. The Memory Cafe provides an innovative form of social engagement for people living with dementia, cognitive decline or other memory loss. This event is intended to be enjoyed by those with memory loss as well as their caregivers, family and friends. Contact Ericka for more information and to find out where the meeting location is for the month by calling 715-526-4712.


  • Click here to view the list of upcoming Memory Cafes


Boost Your Brain

Boost Your Brain is an 8-week course with a holistic approach to improve brain health. This evidence-based program is designed to help individuals implement new habits to maintain cognitive health and enhance memory performance.



Support Groups


Caregiver Support Groups

This support group is designed to help caregivers share stories, learn tips and interact with others who are in similar situations. Click here to view the informational flyer.

  • 1st Monday of the month from 10:00 am – 11:00 am at the ADRC office in Oconto Falls
  • 1st Wednesday of the month from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm at the Lakewood Library
  • 4th Monday of the month from 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm at the FACE Center in Keshena
  • 4th Monday of the month from 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm virtually via Zoom
  • 4th Wednesday of each month at The Drip Coffee Shop in Shawano on Main Street from 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm


Parkinson’s and Memory Changes Support Group

This support group is designed to help those with Parkinson’s disease, anyone experiencing brain changes, and their caregivers/companions share stories, learn tips and interact with others who are in similar situations. Click here to view the informational flyer.


  • 2nd Tuesday of the month at the Shawano Municipal Building (127 S Sawyer Street) from 10:00 am – 11:30 am.

Dementia Friendly Business Training

The Dementia Friendly Business training is a free 30-minute training for management and staff of businesses and service organizations to understand dementia and take action to create an environment that is safe, respectful, and welcoming for people living with dementia. The following businesses have completed this training:


– 1st National Bank, Tigerton

– Denmark State Bank, Shawano

– Dreier Pharmacy, Shawano

– Farnsworth Public Library, Oconto

– Flagstar Bank, Oconto Falls

– Green Valley-Morgan Fire Department

– Lakewood Clinic

– Lakewood Supervalu

– Menominee County Department of Human Services

– NEW Credit Union

– Oconto County Leadership

– Oconto Falls EMS

– Oconto Library

– Qualheim’s True Value

– Save a Lot Food Store, Keshena

– Shawano County Library

– Shawano Senior Citizen Committee

– St. Anthony’s Parish, Tigerton

– Twigs Beverage, Shawano

– WI DNR Forestry Staff


To join this list of Dementia Friendly Businesses, please contact Ericka at 715-526-4712.

Special Announcements Quick Links